Tuesday, 4 October 2011


Concept: Adds Thousands Of 100% Opt-In Leads To Your List
Overall Rating: 5 out of 5
Ease of Use: 5 out of 5
Effectiveness: 5 out of 5
Recommendation: Use Immediately - Major List Building Tool
Price: FREE

Anyone successful on the Internet tells you the gold is in
your list. But what if you can't get that list?
What if you're struggling to get just 100 subscribers a week?

Now there's a better solution, that enables anyone to add
thousands of 100% opt-in subscribers to their list, with
very little effort.

Technical eMarketer Steve Shaw, the guy behind this tool,
says that ListInferno has been designed to "give everyone
and anyone the ability to create their own big valuable
opt-in list ... this system has been designed to add
thousands of opt-in leads to your list for the bare minimum
of effort - and it's all 100% free".

So, does it live up to the hype?
When I first took a look at this tool, I thought, "Well,
there are some systems similar to this one on the net... 
What makes this one so special?"

Then, when I signed up and followed the process in the
Setup Wizard, the answer was easy to see.  There are some
subtle differences in this tool that make it really stand
out. And I'd be willing to bet that these differences may
well make this the most viral list building tool yet seen

It's important to realize, that rather than bringing you
huge amounts of traffic, this tool brings you what anyone
wanting to make money online needs even more - quality
targetted 100% opt-in leads for your list.

This new free tool could well be the easiest, cheapest and
fastest way to build your list yet developed. In fact, by
jumping on board with this as soon as possible, you could
gain a strong advantage over your competitors.

And if they are already signed up, that's even more reason
not to waste any more time. After all, the one with the
biggest list usually wins, and makes the most money.
Definitely ride the wave on this: Join Listinferno now

Listen, I've tried this out myself - it's so easy and so
effective, it would be pretty dumb not to use it
immediately. Anything that can give you free subscribers
for virtually zero effort is worth a try - and this system
can give you lots of those.

Bottom Line: This is probably the most effective list
building system we have ever encountered - and quite
possibly there will never be anything like this again. We
mean that. We just hope it stays free...  You should
 get it now while it still is.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Affiliate Marketing: Five Necessary Things You Must Consider Before You Begin

If you are considering a home based business an affiliate marketing program is a good way to go because it offers many benefits. These include ultimately working from your residence full time and thus escaping the headaches of traffic, choosing the hours you want to work, and making use of the many financial benefits that are available to someone who works for his/herself.

Five important things you need to undertake before beginning a worthwhile internet marketing business are:

1. Think things through carefully before you begin

I sometimes refer to this as bringing yourself and your thinking cap. Why is this so? It refers not only to online affiliate marketing, but any business venture you are embarking on. You should ask yourself, is this what I really want to do? And if so what does this involve? Also do I have what it takes to make a living from an online internet business?

2. Investigate it thoroughly

As an affiliate marketer you will have to study how to work with people in many different ways. It is to say the least impersonal. You have to find a way to work with people you will never see, whose products and services you are selling. Likewise you are also offering products and services to people who could be residing anywhere over the globe. Therefore you have to be abundantly clear on what you are offering and try to persuade shoppers why they should purchase the product from you instead of from your competitors. The most important thing your research should have shown you is what the best affiliate programs out there are and the kind of products you should be selling.

3. Devise a Business Plan

Ironically some people never carry out this step and it is the foremost reason for disappointment. You need to sit down and plot a course for your business. And you must know what is unique about the internet and affiliate marketing compared to other businesses. Don't just see easy money. True, you need to know what the outcome will be, but you need a map to guide you there.

4. Make sure you have a Budget

Do not be misled by all the talk that affiliate marketing programs are a piece of cake. You must have money to cover your start up costs. You should have found out all the details in your research; but it is most important that you understand what tools you need, what knowledge you need, how much it will cost you, and how you are going to go about meeting the cost. Hopefully your start up cost should not be too high. For example you will need a computer and an internet connection, but fortunately in today's world most of us have these things already. You will also need to let people know about the products you have on offer.

5. Clarify the ideal equipment you need to get the business started successfully

We spoke of a computer and your internet carrier earlier on, and of course you will need to receive and send emails which will be specifically important in your affiliate business venture. You can get away without a website but you will find one beneficial in the months and years ahead.

So if you are still pondering this article, start putting these five things in place today and get your internet marketing programming organized!


Thursday, 29 September 2011

Are You On The Affiliate Marketing Merry Go Round?
Affiliate marketing continues to be a fantastic way to make money from home. What other business model do you know of that you can join for free and start to make money in a matter of minutes?

However, making money as an affiliate does have some bad points. One of those is something I called the affiliate marketing merry go round. I can speak from a position of experience on this topic.

Basically it goes like this.

1. You join an affiliate program for free.

2. The affiliate merchant approves you.

3. You log into your members area and have a look around.

4. You may or may not promote this program or product.

5. You move on to something else.

6. You remember the program you joined previously and decide to promote it.

7. You lose interest and join something else for free and start the cycle all over again.

Why do so many affiliate marketers get on the affiliate marketing merry go round? To me it comes down to a lack of focus and a lack of Internet marketing skills.

In the past starting a business of your own was difficult to do. You could join a direct sales company such as Avon or Amway and for less than $100 and be in business for yourself. There were other direct sales opportunities such as Herballife, Mary Kate, Tupperware, and so on, that people joined as well.

However, if you wanted to start an off line brick and mortar business you needed more capital upfront to get started. This eliminated most people from actually becoming self employed.

There were business owners who ran a home based business. These people had specific skills such as cutting hair, day care, or even service business owners such as carpet cleaners, plumbers, etc.

You start your business from home, but in many instances you would get up every day and go to work for yourself outside of it. This eliminated most people from even starting at all.

Amazon is credited with starting one of the first affiliate programs. I remember Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, being on the Tonight Show many years ago.

Jay Leno was joking around with him about how Amazon was losing millions of dollars every year yet people were joining his affiliate program, or purchasing books online at a record pace.

Today there are millions of affiliate programs all over the world you can join for free. This is the real problem with this business model.

There is no investment when you join something for free. Therefore it's easy to quit and join an affiliate program anytime you want.

Sadly, many people get on this affiliate marketing merry go round and never make any money. Are you one of them?

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Earn a Living Writing From Home or How to Write Effective Adverts

Do you enjoy writing?

Are you fed up of working 9 to 5 for someone else’s profit?

Would you love to work from home writing and make money doing it? But have no idea how to go about it or what to do?

Well the first thing to know is that you must write material that people will be interested in. This sounds obvious until you look at some of the material that is available on the world wide web.

So what is that magic ingredient to effective writing that makes people want to stop and read your advert or article or dwell on your website? What is it that makes someone decide to take precious time out of their day to stop and settle for a few minutes to read what you have written?

As an author this has to be the single most crucial aspect of your writing, unless of course you are someone who is only interested to see their name in lights and not bothered whether anyone actually reads what you have written.

For most there is a purpose to writing, usually to convey some fact or facts or to make money in some form either directly or indirectly. For both it will only work if the content is of interest to people.

As the title of this article is Earn a Living Writing from Home we will primarily focus on that aspect. To that end we will be focusing on how to write effective adverts/copy. For to make money doing anything you need to advertise what it is that you do. However, what I am about to say here applies equally to the pure conveyance of facts or news type of writing. All writing must be interesting and enjoyable to read for someone to want to take the time to sit and read it.

To earn a living from writing the writing must lead the reader towards the end point – a subscription or payment for a product of some description. Usually such writing is in the form of adverts or copy and more often than not there is limited space. In such circumstances it is imperative to be able to convey your message in a just a couple of short sentences; a paragraph at most.

So lets have a look in more detail at what is required to write an effective advert. 

Attention Grabbing Headline: The first thing that most people spot about any writing is the headline or title. So make it catchy, you want to peak someone’s curiosity enough that they will want to read further to see what it is all about. Humour plays well here though be careful not to over do it. Be aware also of language differences in different Countries where the meaning of words can vary quite dramatically.

For example: In the Uk an ad with the headline “Sack your Boss” will grab the attention of any beleaguered workforce who believe their boss has outreached the level of their competency and would dearly love to see them removed from their job.

However, in the US the meaning of the word “sack” has very different connotations and implies a desire for bedroom pleasantries - to put it diplomatically. Probably not feelings that a worker who would dearly love to see their boss removed from their job would encompass.

So make the headline catch your audiences attention without offending them.

2. Interesting Body: The main body of your advert has to convey several things at once. It must seek to inform us what your product or service is and what it will do for us.

This is no mean feat when dealing with some online adverts where you only have  about 40 words to convey your message. So the guide here is to make it short, punchy but real.

For example: an ad that said the following for a Dog Grooming business conveys little of use and will result in poor conversions.

King Charles Cavaliars are friendly dogs

We love our dog, she has a beautiful glossy coat and a friendly temperament.


The ad may be accurate however it conveys nothing of use to a potential buyer of dog grooming services. It is unclear even what the service actually is.

Compare the above then to this:

Make your Dog Shine

Grooming service that brings an extra gloss to your dogs coat.


Here the headline grabs your attention, any dog owner wants their dog to shine, stand out. If you have a dog you will appreciate this, if not, no amount of explanation will help so please just take it as read.

So to sum up make your writing interesting, stay on point and where space allows make it as if you are having a conversation with your audience. This will draw your reader along with you and give you a much higher chance of achieving the objective you set out for your writing. Enjoy your writing and let your enthusiasm for the topic shine through your words.

Happy writing.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Get Your Own Money Making Website

Many people are looking to make money online, yet do not have the technical skills or knowledge to make it happen. Does this sound like you? We have recently researched Passive Paydays and would strongly recommend it to you. Unlike many similar products this one does "exactly what it says on the tin".

So what exactly do you get with this product I hear you cry?
You will get:
* Your own website set up for you so you do not have to worry what content to use, how best to format it, what will appeal to your customers

* Full web hosting - for those that do not know to have a website you need both a domain name - what people type in to access your site eg: richfromhomebiz; and web hosting - this is basically somewhere on the web that holds your site. There are many web hosting products available and they can be very expensive. Passive Paydays includes it for you.

* Your content is generated for you, so the headache of what to write to attract people that is of value and will keep your customers coming back for more is done for you

* Your site is fully monetized. What does this mean? Monetized seems to be the latest buzzword around at the moment. In essence it means to set up your website in such a way so as to earn you income.
This will include such things as:
   - Google adsense - where you get paid for adverts displayed when someone clicks on them. - Products that appeal to your target audience and so maximises the chances of a sale.

   - SEO Search Engine Optimisation, this alone can generate a heap of income - for it will get traffic to your site and free traffic at that. It will ensure your site is displayed high up in searches without having to pay for pay-per-click advertising. The more traffic you get to your site the more chance you have of someone buying you something.

In essence to make money online there are only 3 things you need to do:
1. Have a Product that people want to buy - without a product or products that people want you will make no money no matter how wonderful your website is

2. Have a display for that Product that appeals to people - your website content. This must be informative and provide useful information of value to people. If it isn't why would people want to read it?

3. Show that Product display to as many people as possible - Get Traffic to your site

Passive Paydays does the hard work for you and sets this all up. The product is offered with a full 60 day money back guarantee and is a ridiculously low price to start with, so what have you got to loose. Go check it out now.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Massive Commissions for You with this Product

So What Exactly is this Product Commission Domination? True to our word, we have researched and tried it out - if it didn't produce the results claimed, it would not have made it to our site.... To start, WE believe in OVER-DELIVERING on all our products. So that means, TONS of content, an excellent piece of software and training webinars to really keep people happy.

The MAIN software/training offer for $47 , for this you receive instant access to a software that develops your whole website for you. And the website isn’t a BASIC simple layout, but a highly tested, high converting site in which you can customize it EXACTLY how you want.

And it doesn’t stop there.. the list goes on and on….

Essentially, this is what you get: - the ability to build your own website, fully monetize it - what does this mean? - well in essence it means you can set it up so that it will generate a passive income for you - your keyword research made easy, - Your site is optimized for domain searching, - You can add your own custom html - Ways to promote your site through article spinning and of course, making it go live..

And all this is done with just a few clicks of the button and a few blanks to fill in!
In addition you get the opportunity to get some amazing software pieces that can help you DRIVE TRAFFIC to your site. Without Traffic your site is dead in the water, no matter how briliant it is.

The software is incredible, it does EVERYTHING you want to do from back linking, to article submission, to social networking, to RSS, podcast, classified ads, video, and much much more.

And on top of that, it has research software that will REALLY guide you along. These two additional pieces of software form one incredible package that gives you additional support to help with your online success.

Another facility available is an amazing tool that fully researches different Niches and includes all the templates, statistics, and updates (these are released on a monthly basis – and they reveal the HOTTEST NEWEST niches out there!). This tool ensures you keep up to date with what is working out there, new niches to work on and the best niches to develop.

And as you can see above- we offer and DELIVER one AMAZING product and some will call us CRAZY for selling this for so cheap, as it really could be a solid $997+ product!!

What’s the end result?


Sunday, 28 August 2011

3 Easy Jobs to do At Home and Make Money

If you want to make some good money while staying at home then I suggest you try three simple jobs that I will explain in this article. All these jobs are free to join, that is, you do not have to pay any fee in order to start doing these jobs. So actually you will be making money online without paying anything from your pocket ever to anyone.
The first job that you can do at home is copywriting. You can make lot a of money via doing copywriting work. There are no complicated things to do in copywriting projects. Usually, you will need to write very simple and general articles on simple topics like "Plasma TV".
Pay for copywriting jobs is really good. You can make lot of money via writing content for other people. Normally, you will earn $1 per 100 words but as you gain experience, you will earn more.
The second job that you can do online to earn lot of money is data entry. Data entry is the easiest way to make cash online. In this category comes all the simple jobs like typing data from PDF or scanned pages in word document, online form filling work, reading and managing emails and many other simple jobs are available in data entry category.
The third job that you can do is directory submission. People want their site to be submitted to hundreds of free online directories. The submission is free so everyone can do it but it takes time for a normal internet user to submit sites to hundreds of directories. There are different ways to make this process fast. You can get a huge list of free directories on the internet plus you can find different ways to do this work fast. First learn how you can do this directory submission work and then look for such jobs at freelancing sites.
You can find hundreds of data entry, copywriting, directory submission etc jobs at freelance sites.

Do you need Online Jobs? If yes, then you can find additional information here make money online, if you are looking for online jobsathome, then also check this site free online jobs. You can start to make money online without investing any money.

Monday, 22 August 2011

Want an effortless way to generate traffic to your site?

If you work from home, you will inevitably have a website. Having a website by itself will do nothing. The only way it will make you money is if you have visitors to your site. These visitors are known as traffic. Ultimate Income Booster is an automated way to generate traffic to your website and so make money online, well the making money bit will only happen if you have products to sell on your site that people want - that will be the subject of another post.

Heard about affiliate marketing but dont know how to go about it? This product automates the process for you making it easy, and it works.

I was very sceptical when I first saw this product but the price was so inviting I felt I had to try it and have been very impressed. It actually works.

The logic behind is sound. To make money online or to build your business you quite simply need traffic to your sites. This traffic is people who may then go on to buy your product, or your affiliate product or who may become clients.

One of the most effective ways to get traffic to your site is to make your site visible to the internet. There are a number of ways to do this and the UIB (Ultimate Income Booster) sofwtare uses one of these - namely article marketing.

Article Marketing is where you promote your site through publishing articles to numerous article sites and so increase your visibility to search engines.

When someone enters a search in a search engine such as google eg Work from home - the search engine will display all sites where the keywords "work from home" exist.

If you have articles published with your site embedded as a resource those keywords will ensure your article is displayed. When someone clicks on your aticle they see the link to your website and when they click you have a potential sale or client.

Publishing articles to the number of sites required to generate the volume you need to build a business and generate good income can be time consuming. The UIB software automates this process thus saving you hours and hours of manual submissions.

It basically does ALL THE HARD WORK that an affiliate marketer normally must do in order to make sales, for example: automatically researching for the hottest niches and keywords, creating unique contents from chosen keywords, generating traffic, building backlinks, dominating Google rankings and making affiliate sales.

You know that currently the hottest thing on the marketplace is SOFTWARE, and this would be the hottest software that you'll ever promote.

You will love this software because:
•It’s effortless - It does all the jobs.
•It’s extremely easy to use
•It doesn’t require any previous knowledge on IM or internet at all
•It gives fast results
•It works even in unexpected niche markets, with every language, country

In short, you will also be blown away with how much we're over delivering. We also offer coaching services and done-for-you campaigns as part of the sales funnel.

Find out more to get traffic easily. Now

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Looking for Real work from home Opportunities?

ur Economy is failing. Need Employment from home? The
price of gas is rising daily, daycare costs are also
rising, companies will start laying off, people won't
be able to get to work. You may even lose your job and
health insurance as businesses go under.

Most people believe the country is headed in the wrong
direction. They tell pollsters our failing health care
system, stumbling economy, stagnant wages,
disappearing jobs and an endless war show we are on
the wrong track.

Before you pass this offer off as a "fly by night"
outfit that will take your money and run, check us out.

We DO offer employment similar to what you are already
doing. Selling other people's websites for unheard of
earning unreasonable amount of money. That is called
called Global Data Entry and is very popular. This is
more for those of you with little or no experience.

BUT Do you REALLY THINK you are going to earn those
unrealistic amounts? $1000-$5000 a Week?? I think NOT!
Only the publishers of those sites and the ones that
got in at the start may make that kind of money.
Aren't you sick of seeing the same ads over and over
again? I know I am.

Many companies have started outsourcing their work to
home based employees. There is far less overhead in
having 100 employees work from home than in the office.
Many companies are also offering health benefits and
an actual salary ranging from $10 an hour and up.

We go a step further and offer traditional data entry.
We also offer positions in Customer Service, virual
office work,transcription, telephone order takers,
survey takers, inbound and outbound telemarketing and
lots more. There are so many links available to actual
work at home positions, you will be amazed!!!

We provide an excellent clone of Microsoft Office and
in depth training for those with no experience in using
either Office and Excel. We offer a site submitter,
an ad blaster and an article submitter, among other
things. There is a small one time fee for the directory.

Check us out and join today. Be working from home,
earning a salary by this time next week.
For more information click here

Top 5 Online Data Entry Comapnies that Pay Good Cash

Online data entry jobs are ideal for anyone who wants some extra cash at the comfort of their home. Big companies outsource data entry work through data management service providers. These firms appoint workers to work from their home. Once the registration is over they provide data to enter online into their websites. This job pays very lucrative income for you. Irrespective of country, you can join these companies and make money from home.

Let me suggest few top companies that pay good cash for your work. These companies work for multinational corporate giants to complete the process of data management.

Click and work

Click and work is one of the good companies which provide various freelance data entry jobs. This company was started in year 2000 and has been providing data entry jobs for qualified persons worldwide. They provide data entry typist jobs, analyst, web searchers, team leaders, writer jobs and many more. Thousands of people work for them from home and collect payments by check or PayPal.

Dion data solutions

This is a USA based data management company with high standards. They provide different kinds of data entry jobs and trainings with no cost to individuals and families. They accept application through emails. No phone calls can be made to them, because of the increased submission of applications. You should have a minimum type speed of 60 words per minute and a computer with internet connection to apply for data entry positions.

This company offers various data entry jobs for experienced people. You should have minimum type speed and accuracy in assignment. They do not provide any jobs for learners and new people. However, if you have 65 words per minute typing speed you can apply for any data entry typist job. You can expect lucrative income from them.

Key for cash

Key for cash provides online typing works for everyone who needs extra income. They offer data which has to be typed on their website using log in password they provide. You do not need to pay a dime for joining them. You need no commitment either. You can earn as much as you want working as much as or as little as you wish. If you are 18 years old or more you can apply for online typist jobs.

Mulberry studio

Mulberry studio offers data entry transcription jobs in medical and general field. If you have a typing speed of 75 words per minute, you can give it a try to work for them. You should also have good command over English. Minimum experience in transcription and word processing would be desired by them. They pay you good working environment and lucrative income. They provide domestic and international data entry jobs which you can do from your home and make good money.

The above five companies are top data entry management companies with nice payment options. There are plenty of such companies which provide these online data entry work for you. You need to select at least 10 to 20 companies and apply for work. You can earn very nice income working at the comfort of your home. You should join a website which has tie up with many such data entry companies and provide you assignments to complete from home. This is the easiest and fastest way to make money online. You may try one such website here