So what exactly do you get with this product I hear you cry?
You will get:
* Your own website set up for you so you do not have to worry what content to use, how best to format it, what will appeal to your customers
* Full web hosting - for those that do not know to have a website you need both a domain name - what people type in to access your site eg: richfromhomebiz; and web hosting - this is basically somewhere on the web that holds your site. There are many web hosting products available and they can be very expensive. Passive Paydays includes it for you.
* Your content is generated for you, so the headache of what to write to attract people that is of value and will keep your customers coming back for more is done for you
* Your site is fully monetized. What does this mean? Monetized seems to be the latest buzzword around at the moment. In essence it means to set up your website in such a way so as to earn you income.
This will include such things as:
- Google adsense - where you get paid for adverts displayed when someone clicks on them. - Products that appeal to your target audience and so maximises the chances of a sale.
- SEO Search Engine Optimisation, this alone can generate a heap of income - for it will get traffic to your site and free traffic at that. It will ensure your site is displayed high up in searches without having to pay for pay-per-click advertising. The more traffic you get to your site the more chance you have of someone buying you something.
In essence to make money online there are only 3 things you need to do:
1. Have a Product that people want to buy - without a product or products that people want you will make no money no matter how wonderful your website is
2. Have a display for that Product that appeals to people - your website content. This must be informative and provide useful information of value to people. If it isn't why would people want to read it?
3. Show that Product display to as many people as possible - Get Traffic to your site
Passive Paydays does the hard work for you and sets this all up. The product is offered with a full 60 day money back guarantee and is a ridiculously low price to start with, so what have you got to loose. Go check it out now.