Thursday, 29 September 2011

Are You On The Affiliate Marketing Merry Go Round?
Affiliate marketing continues to be a fantastic way to make money from home. What other business model do you know of that you can join for free and start to make money in a matter of minutes?

However, making money as an affiliate does have some bad points. One of those is something I called the affiliate marketing merry go round. I can speak from a position of experience on this topic.

Basically it goes like this.

1. You join an affiliate program for free.

2. The affiliate merchant approves you.

3. You log into your members area and have a look around.

4. You may or may not promote this program or product.

5. You move on to something else.

6. You remember the program you joined previously and decide to promote it.

7. You lose interest and join something else for free and start the cycle all over again.

Why do so many affiliate marketers get on the affiliate marketing merry go round? To me it comes down to a lack of focus and a lack of Internet marketing skills.

In the past starting a business of your own was difficult to do. You could join a direct sales company such as Avon or Amway and for less than $100 and be in business for yourself. There were other direct sales opportunities such as Herballife, Mary Kate, Tupperware, and so on, that people joined as well.

However, if you wanted to start an off line brick and mortar business you needed more capital upfront to get started. This eliminated most people from actually becoming self employed.

There were business owners who ran a home based business. These people had specific skills such as cutting hair, day care, or even service business owners such as carpet cleaners, plumbers, etc.

You start your business from home, but in many instances you would get up every day and go to work for yourself outside of it. This eliminated most people from even starting at all.

Amazon is credited with starting one of the first affiliate programs. I remember Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, being on the Tonight Show many years ago.

Jay Leno was joking around with him about how Amazon was losing millions of dollars every year yet people were joining his affiliate program, or purchasing books online at a record pace.

Today there are millions of affiliate programs all over the world you can join for free. This is the real problem with this business model.

There is no investment when you join something for free. Therefore it's easy to quit and join an affiliate program anytime you want.

Sadly, many people get on this affiliate marketing merry go round and never make any money. Are you one of them?